The Agile Project Cycle is the process Adams Technology Solutions created to more quickly and accurately create working applications and happy customers. The process is grounded in the Agile SCRUM process and includes each of the steps below.
Survey – First, the client fills out a questionnaire that identifies the scope of the project and helps prepare for the next step of the process the interview. The survey helps identify the important questions and items to cover in the interview.
Interview – An initial interview using zoom is setup and recorded. It is important to record the meeting to ensure that important points are not missed. The interview is used to identify the core requirements and lends itself nicely to analyzing what is needed and coming up with the initial product backlog of work tasks.
Analysis – A brief project analysis and plan is created that identifies the need, initial requirements and possible measurements. The document should be no more than a couple of pages and should contain the list of the initial tasks for the first sprint.
Tasks – This step includes the kickoff meeting to discuss the core tasks for the current sprint. Again, this meeting is scheduled via zoom and is recorded. The tasks are discussed, and new ones can be added, and existing ones can be removed. Estimates will be added, and the tasks will be prioritized. The meeting should be no longer than 4 hours for a two-week sprint.
Sprint – The tasks are completed as identified in the kickoff meeting. Daily scrum meetings are used as necessary to be sure everyone is on track for the delivery date. Again, record the meetings and keep them to about 15 minutes. The goal is to help everyone achieve the goals of the sprint and be sure that issues are addressed, and that people are working together as a team. At the completion of each sprint the client will have a new working version of the application.
Review – This is a recorded meeting at the end of the two-week sprint. This is more than just a demo. It is to discuss the sprint and draw feedback on how things went. Release of the sprint is not required but it should be discussed. Product release is a business and technical decision. The review also includes the initial discussion of the next sprint.
Our goal is to provide a working product quickly so that stakeholders can see results early in the process. With each additional iteration new functionality can be added as needed and the process allows for flexibility for when new features or markets are identified. This allows the customer to have a working sample quickly with minimal investment in cost and time.
Please contact us directly if you would like to learn more or get an estimate for help with your project.